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Keyless Entry Honda Brio, Amankah?


(11-05-2013, 09:33 AM)ultrakyo Wrote:
(11-05-2013, 09:11 AM)Yogo Priyayi ZS Wrote:
(11-05-2013, 09:00 AM)Zikri Irfandi Wrote: ane belum perhatikan, nggak ada sensornya kah?
coba bro aktifkan alarm..trus buka pake kunci kaca belakangnya..
pasti mobil diem aja,,

Habis itu coba pecahin kacanya, bunyi atau gak? Ditunggu reviewnya wkwkwkwk.

oooooohh... tidak...
(11-05-2013, 09:33 AM)ultrakyo Wrote: Habis itu coba pecahin kacanya, bunyi atau gak? Ditunggu reviewnya wkwkwkwk.
hahahahaha..ayo om zikri..dicuba juga saran bro Chris..:21:*&:21:*&:21:*&Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

ditunggu reviewnya
kali aja bisa membantu sesuai topiknya :

"While traveling he stopped at the roadside park, similar to what we have here with bathrooms, vending machines etc. He came out to his car less than 4-5 minutes later and found someone had gotten into his car, and stolen his cell phone, laptop computer, gps navigator, briefcase..... you name it.

They called the police and since there were no signs of his car being broke into - the police told him that there is a device that robbers are using now to clone your security code when you lock your doors on your car using your key-chain locking device. They set a distance away and watch for their next victim. Since they know you are going inside of the store, restaurant, or bathroom and have a few minutes to steal and run.

The police office said... to be sure to manually lock your car door-by hitting the lock button inside the car, that way if there is someone setting in a parking lot watching for their next victim it will not be you.

When you hit the lock button on your car upon exiting... it does not send the security code, but if you walk away and use the door lock on your key chain- it sends the code thru the airwaves where it can be stolen.

I just wanted to let you know about this... it is something totally new to us...and this is real... it just happened this past Thursday June 19th to his co-worker...

so be aware of this and please pass this note on... look how many times we all lock our doors with our keys... just to be sure we remembered to lock them.... and bingo the guys have our code... and whatever was in the car... can be gone."

intinya kalau mau meninggalkan mobil lebih baik / aman kunci manual, bgmn menurut bro" semua ?
(11-08-2013, 03:20 PM)Supriatno Hbs Wrote: intinya kalau mau meninggalkan mobil lebih baik / aman kunci manual, bgmn menurut bro" semua ?

walaupun dikunci manual tetap bisa di-UNLOCK dengan remote kan om?
klo dari artikelnya sih sepertinya tu maling nyolong / ngopy security dari keyless system pas kita pake lock secara remote,
jadi klo manual harusnya ga ketangkep.

pertanyaan :
klo ada bbrp mobil bersamaan ngelock, si maling tau ga, security key yg di colong punya mobil yg mana ?

kan brarti dia kayak smacam radar / antena yg nangkep sinyal wireless untuk security keyless system
(11-08-2013, 03:46 PM)KAZ3 Wrote: klo dari artikelnya sih sepertinya tu maling nyolong / ngopy security dari keyless system pas kita pake lock secara remote,
jadi klo manual harusnya ga ketangkep.

pertanyaan :
klo ada bbrp mobil bersamaan ngelock, si maling tau ga, security key yg di colong punya mobil yg mana ?

kan brarti dia kayak smacam radar / antena yg nangkep sinyal wireless untuk security keyless system

ooo.. begitu ya...
Lebih baik jangan meninggalkan barang berharga di mobil 04.
cari aman aja deh., biar susah dikit daripada raib...
mungkin solusinya... saat alarm mulai diaktifkan hanya memberi tanda lewat suara (beep beep) saja tanpa lampu nge dim. dan ngelock nya agak jauh dari kendaraan. sehingga penyadap kunci tidak tahu mobil yg mana yg ditarget...

btw bisa kan alarm diaktifkan tanpa lampu nya nge dim??
(03-13-2014, 09:05 PM)batujajar Wrote: mungkin solusinya... saat alarm mulai diaktifkan hanya memberi tanda lewat suara (beep beep) saja tanpa lampu nge dim. dan ngelock nya agak jauh dari kendaraan. sehingga penyadap kunci tidak tahu mobil yg mana yg ditarget...

btw bisa kan alarm diaktifkan tanpa lampu nya nge dim??

Gimana caranya om?

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